Award Winning Actuarial Modeling Platform
A Cutting Edge, End-to-End Enterprise Modeling Platform, capable of processing Stochastic & Nested Stochastic Calculations with Millions of Policies and Thousands of Scenarios with Lightning Speed and Flawless accuracy.

Actuarial CLOUD platform

STOCHAc is a cloud based SaaS actuarial solution, hosted on AWS most secured and cutting-edge elastic platform:
The “EC2 P3 instance”, which offers unlimited on demand HPC Computing, on a pay per use.
STOCHAc enables Insurers & Financial institutions to dramatically improve models performance, achieve detailed and accurate calculations and meet complex regulatory requirements while at the same time drastically reducing costs.
Consulting services
The industry talent shortage and the ever-increasing regulatory changes have deepened the strain of actuarial teams. Hence, gaining access to expert resources through peak demand on an as needed basis is becoming critical.

Consulting services
The industry talent shortage and the ever-increasing regulatory changes have deepened the strain of actuarial teams. Hence, gaining access to expert resources through peak demand on an as needed basis is becoming critical.

Innovation is an integral part of InsurTech Global’s DNA.
We are constantly researching, testing and integrating the latest technologies, in order to stay in the forefront of Innovation, giving an unparalleled edge to our clients.
Why InsurTech Global ?
Innovative Actuarial Solution
STOCHAc Actuarial Platform
Most Advanced and comprehensive
Actuarial Solution on the Market.
Most Advanced and comprehensive
Actuarial Solution on the Market.
Global Reach
InsurTech Global has offices in Dallas,
Miami, and Paris France, serving North American,
Latin American, and International Markets.
Miami, and Paris France, serving North American,
Latin American, and International Markets.
Industry Expertise
With STOCHAc, insurers will be able to
achieve the most demanding requirements,
giving them an outstanding competitive lead.
achieve the most demanding requirements,
giving them an outstanding competitive lead.
Consulting Services
Solvency II implementation and review
Risk and capital management
IFRS17 & US Principles Based Reserving
Risk and capital management
IFRS17 & US Principles Based Reserving
Technology PARTNERS

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